Commanding Love Spell


Image of Commanding Love Spell

For those stubborn targets. There are a few “sub spells” that fall under this category, like Think Of Me or Beg Me (I’ll post about those soon), but generally speaking these types of spells are used to help gain control of a romantic situation that has either gotten out of hand (cheating, lies, manipulation) or that has been impossible to make any progress with (won’t unblock you, return texts, or hear you out). Depending on the situation it might even be necessary to command and apology or conversation by placing you on their minds 24/7 until you achieve your goal. This is definitely a more aggressive type of love spell and isn’t appropriate for every situation but sometimes when you’ve invested years of love, time, and energy into a relationship and you’re over dealing with B.S. you just need to get right to the point and get control of things.
If you have serious interest in having work done and would like a consultation please send the following IMPORTANT INFORMATION to email: I'll need your full name, birthdate, detailed description of your situation, and your overall goal sent to email.

I start on the spellwork the same day payment is made. I’ll need full names, birthdates and a description of your situation and overall goal. Please also include photos of each of you.

By purchasing spellwork you agree to the following:

Spellwork is, by law, for entertainment purposes only, spellwork is subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute. spellwork is never guaranteed 100% effective. All spellwork services given by me are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a effectiveness. Spellwork does not replace professional medical/legal/ business opinion and advice. It will not force you to follow a particular course of action, or attempt to exert any form of control over your free-will and common sense. Any decisions made, or actions taken by you as a result of your spellwork service are your sole responsibility and have not been forced upon you, by me, your practitioner. I assume no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions, subsequent to, or based on, my spellwork services. Please use your own common sense and judgment at all times. It is only with the complete understanding and acceptance of the above that your reading will take place. In the event that psychological material is brought forward that is best served by a professional therapeutic relationship, understand that such a relationship may be possible, but is not always wise to develop such a relationship with the practitioner or Olde Ways . Additional assessment of need and documentation can be engaged in to assure that your needs are properly provided for, in an ethical and caring way, which may require a referral to another practitioner. Unless such a relationship is established with the reader or Olde Ways, neither entity is in any way operating in the capacity of a mental health care provider, and accepts no associated responsibility or liability. I do not offer spellwork to anyone under 21 years of age. By accepting this reading you confirm you are 21 years of age or over.

You fully understand and agree to the above terms and forfeit all right to bring a suit against Olde Ways (Michael Cardenas), its stake holders or the stakeholders of any property where Olde Ways is operating, including in the event of accident in which I am harmed. I will make every effort to obey safety precautions as listed in writing and as explained to me verbally. I will ask for clarification when needed, and understand that spellwork is not in any way a psychotherapeutic relationship, and therefore is not governed by ,or responsible to, relevant licensing boards.

I reserve the right to deny or cancel services.

There are no refunds.
